Yes... I know... la 'pausa' è stata un po' lunghetta...
mettiamoci subito al lavoro!
LET'S GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD e iniziamo dicendo che lo stile di
un report (ovvero una relazione, un resoconto o un rapporto) è bene sia
'formale' e quindi sarà preferibile:
- evitare la forma contratta ( it
is a matter of... e non it's...)
- evitare parole generiche: meglio
problems, situations, issues, solutions…al posto di
- usare la forma passiva laddove possibile
(per esempio, anziché
dire we are currently resuming production è preferibile dire
is currently being resumed… ma tranquilli, a breve uscirà un post dedicato
alla forma passiva...)
- usare proposizioni relative per
collegare diverse idee (the person who is in charge of the marketing
department is a very well-known manager in the European market)
- usare parole più formali:
such as al posto di like;
a large number of (+ countable noun) e a
great deal of (+ uncountable noun)
al posto di a lot of;
significantly, dramatically al posto di a lot;
Ricordatevi poi che il soggetto, in inglese, deve sempre essere
espresso e verificate che concordi con il verbo (Increasing
customers involves improving the marketing sector)
Bene, dopo questa prima smattering J ‘infarinatura’ di formal
writing, passiamo oltre e vediamo, nel concreto, le frasi tipiche da utilizzare quando il capo ci chiede la stesura di un report:
This report is based on…
This report outlines, highlights, looks at…
The main purpose/aim of this report is to
underline, discuss, present, evaluate…
This report is aimed at stressing that…
The aim of this report is to draw attention to…
Essere o non essere d’accordo…
It is now widely accepted that…
An increasing number of states share the
view that pollution from below standard plants is a real threat for our
Our trading partner is in tune with
our company’s view of the future.
Summarizing the meeting held on… there
was a general agreement that…
During the meeting with our subsidiary company,
there was a great deal of controversy over…
As far as the visit to the plant is concerned, opinions
differ about the safety measures…
There was a substantial disagreement among…
Mettere in rilievo un punto di vista…
It is essential that…
It should be noted that…
It is worth bearing in mind that…
The research and development department plays a
crucial role in designing…
It would (or wouldn’t) be advisable/pragmatical
The most effective way of … seems to be…
It is rather obvious that…
With regard to the new design, the general view
seems to be…
It is evident from the accountancy department
To improve the situation…
It is highly recommended that…
To sum up…
Finally, the recommendations are as follows:
In light
of the above, it is believed that…
Nel prossimo post, un po’ di linking expressions…
non è mai stato più semplice…
stay tuned…
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